Interesting Facts
Electric vehicle battery recycling
How are lithium-ion batteries transported safely?
When it comes to disposing of lithium-ion batteries, transport safety is paramount – especially if the batteries are damaged. Therefore, they need to be safely packed and treated as hazardous goods.
Electric cars mark one possibility to travel in an environmentally friendly way without using fossil fuels. This is why they become increasingly more popular. Currently, the life expectancy of an electric car battery is 8 to 12 years. After that it will have lost some 20 percent of its charging capacity. However, damage as a result of a crash can also be a reason to change the batteries. What happens after batteries are removed?
Several safety regulations must be observed to safely transport lithium-ion batteries to the recycling facility. Above all, proper transport packaging is essential. In this context, it is important whether the obsolete electric car battery is damaged or defective and whether it has been classified as transport-safe. After all, batteries can cause dangerous fires during which valuable raw materials can be lost.
Proper packaging for every battery
Depending on the battery’s state, there are different specifications for how lithium-ion batteries may be transported.
- Functional, undamaged batteries still in their housing can be packed in a transport-safe way using various types of containers including boards, wooden crates and transport boxes for lithium-ion batteries.
- Functional, undamaged batteries no longer installed can – once secured against short circuits – be packed way using various types of containers including wooden crates and transport boxes for lithium-ion batteries.
- Damaged batteries must be labelled as such, even if they are classified as transport-safe. When it comes to packaging materials, specific requirements must be complied with, e.g. tight interior and exterior packaging, ventilation systems as well as wrapping in non-flammable, non-conductive thermal insulation materials. Moreover, additional specifications regarding things such as weight must be observed.
- Damaged batteries prone to hazardous chemical reactions are classified as not transport-safe due to its hazard potential and thus, is subject to specific packaging requirements. Such batteries require the most stringent safety measures to be implemented, such as the use of specific transport crates approved for battery type, design and battery power. There are even specific requirements the transport vehicle must meet.
Country-specific regulations must be taken into account. So if a border crossing is planned, it is important to find out in advance about the requirements in the destination country. This way, the battery arrives at the recycling facility in good condition and provides valuable resources for new products.
Our expert staff will gladly advise you on the classification and transport of your batteries.
Obligation to notify relating to waste management
Special rules apply to transfrontier waste shipments. These were mainly introduced to prohibit illegal export of waste to developing countries. The shipment of waste between EU Member States is regulated under Regulation 1013/2006/EC. According to this Regulation, the exporting and importing state must each obtain a written permission from their responsible authority before any transfrontier shipment of waste. Varoius requirements are to be met depending on the type of waste and method of disposal:
- Within the EU, non-hazardous waste known as "green list" waste is subject to general information
requirements according to Article 18 VVA (German Waste Shipment Regulation): - Notifiable waste is subject to written notifications and consent according to Article 4 VVA u. A.
If you need help requesting permissions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Waste management is governed by strict laws and legislation. This does not represent a problem for Redux as we are a fully
licensed and certified waste management company accredited to the international quality standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. This certification pays tribute to our efforts
and guarantees our customers that Redux is a reliable and professional partner.
There's nothing to worry about: We are pleased to answer all your questions about statutory provisions and legislation.
Click the following links for an overview of current law and regulations relating to the recycling of batteries and accumulators:
Look here for Redux certificates and related documents:
Certificates and related documents
Information § 8a, 11 German Hazardous Incident Ordinance, Bremerhaven (DE)